هلال القمر أكبر هلال تم تشييده في إمارة دبي بدولة الإمارات العريبة المتحدة

هلال القمر أكبربرج على شكل هلال تم تشييده في إمارة دبي بدولة الإمارات العريبة المتحدة

مكان البرج

في حديقة زعيبل في دبي في الامارات العربية .

هذا المشروع تم انشاءه ليُبرز الهوية الأسلامية والتاريخية لدولة الأمارات العربية حيث انه يمثل أكبر هلال مبني في العالم تم تشييده .

تصميم معماري جديد في دبي مأخوذ من النمط
الاسلامي وتصميمه من الداخل عبارة عن مكتبة ، وقاعة للمؤتمرات، ومطعم، ومقاهي متعددة، ومنصة للمشاهدة في الهواء الطلق والمشروع من تصميم مؤسسة الشفافية في كاليفورنيا

مرافق البرج 

سوف يستوعب البرج الهلال مكتبة للاطفال , قاعة المؤتمرات، مطعم، مقاهي متعددة، ومنصة مراقبة في الهواء الطلق.

برج هلال القمر بإمارة دبي دولة الإمارات العربية
ولقد بني على الطراز الإسلامي.

صوره في الليل لبرج هلال القمر

الهلال 120415134944dgV9.jpg

صوره من أعلى لبرج هلال القمر


مخطط لبرج هلال القمر بدبي

شارك الموضوع

مواضيع ذات صلة

2 التعليقات

14 مايو 2024 في 5:08 ص حذف

لقد تلقيت للتو قرضي من شركة قروض شرعية جديدة لعام 2024 واسم الشركة التي ساعدتني في الحصول على قرضي اليوم هو مؤسسات الائتمان القروض، إنها أفضل شركة قروض واجهتها على الإطلاق وتقدمت بطلب للحصول على قرض منهم في الأسبوع المقبل، والشيء الوحيد الذي فعلته هو دفع رسوم التحويل التي قالوا إنه يجب علي دفعها وعلى الفور قمت بالدفع وتحويل مبلغ القرض إلى حسابي. آسف، لا أستطيع أن أقول مقدار ما ساعدوني به ولكنه مبلغ كبير من المال، لذا إذا كنت بحاجة إلى قرض حقيقي، فاتصل بعنوان بريدهم الإلكتروني Whatsapp: +393512114999. Loancreditinstitutions00@gmail.com،
Loancreditinstitutions00@yahoo.com أو واتس اب: +393509313766.

12 ديسمبر 2024 في 1:34 ص حذف

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Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )

Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )

Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )

Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )

Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )

Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )

Quick loan and investment

Good morning,
Are you urgently looking for a loan to buy a house? To buy a car ? Do you urgently need a loan to pay off your debts and feel comfortable? Whatever the reason, I immediately offer you a real-time loan from €5,000 to €1,000,000 with an interest rate of 3% per year. I guarantee you 100% safe and very fast satisfaction. For your requests, contact me via 📧: ( ricardomele20@gmail.com )


نص نشر المحتويات

عالم الإثاره والمرح